5 Ways Your Kids Can Help You Organize This Weekend


Weekends are the perfect time to tackle household tasks and get organized for the week ahead. But as any parent knows, juggling chores with kids in tow can sometimes feel like a Herculean feat. However, involving your children in the organization process not only lightens your load but also teaches them valuable life skills and instills a sense of responsibility. In this post, we'll explore five fun and practical ways your kids can become organizing helpers this weekend, turning mundane tasks into meaningful bonding experiences.


Below are 5 ways Your kids can help you organize


Maintaining your organized home

1. Decluttering Their Own Spaces
Encourage your children to take ownership of their belongings by decluttering their own spaces. Whether it's their bedroom, playroom, or study area, give them free rein to sort through toys, books, and clothes, deciding what to keep, donate, or discard. Make it a game by setting a timer and challenging them to see how quickly they can tidy up their space.

2. Assisting with Laundry
Laundry day doesn't have to be a solitary task. Get your kids involved by enlisting their help with sorting, folding, and putting away clothes. Younger children can match socks or fold washcloths, while older kids can tackle more complex tasks like folding clothes or hanging them up in closets. Turn on some music, and make it a family affair!

3. Organizing School Supplies
With the school week in full swing, now is the perfect time to organize school supplies and ensure everything is ready for the days ahead. Have your kids gather their backpacks, pencil cases, and any loose papers, then work together to sort and organize them. Designate a specific area in your home for school-related items to streamline mornings and minimize last-minute scrambles.

Want even more tips on how to stay organized during the school year? Check out this blog post!

4. Creating a Family Calendar
Keep everyone on the same page by creating a family calendar together. Set aside some time to sit down with your kids and discuss upcoming events, appointments, and commitments. Use a whiteboard, chalkboard, or digital calendar app to record important dates and deadlines, and encourage your children to add their own events as well. This not only fosters a sense of teamwork but also teaches valuable time management skills.

5. Setting Up a Chore Chart
Empower your kids to take on age-appropriate chores by setting up a chore chart together. Sit down as a family and brainstorm a list of tasks that need to be done regularly, such as vacuuming, dusting, or taking out the trash. Assign each task to a specific family member and determine a schedule for completing them. Make it fun by adding colorful stickers or rewards for completing chores consistently.


Chore charts: how a simple tool can make an impact

If I know one thing, it’s that parenting can be a challenge. Finding tools to help us create a little less stress and more efficiency and order to our home, can make such a big impact on our day-to-day life and even improve our relationships with our kiddos. When it comes to chores, being able to instill responsibility, organization, and independence in children is crucial. Chore charts stand as a timeless and invaluable resource for parents seeking to impart these essential life skills to their children. Offering a structured approach to task delegation and completion, chore charts serve as more than just a household management tool; they become catalysts for fostering crucial traits that children can carry forward into their adult lives. They can also help you:

  • Promote Responsibility: Chore charts teach children the importance of responsibility by assigning them specific tasks to complete regularly. As children see their progress tracked on the chart, they develop a sense of accountability for their actions and contributions to the household.

  • Teach Organization and Time Management: By following a chore chart, children learn to organize their tasks and manage their time effectively. They understand the importance of prioritizing responsibilities and completing them in a timely manner. This skill set can benefit them greatly in their academic and professional lives later on.

  • Foster Independence and Self-Esteem: Completing chores listed on a chart gives children a sense of accomplishment and boosts their self-esteem. As they see their efforts translating into tangible results on the chart, they become more confident in their abilities and develop a sense of independence in taking care of their responsibilities without constant supervision. This independence is crucial for their personal growth and development.


make organizing a family matter

By incorporating chore charts and engaging your children in household tasks, we not only teach valuable life skills, but also nurture qualities like independence and self-esteem. Remember, the goal isn't just to have a tidy home; it's to raise capable, conscientious individuals who understand the importance of contributing to their families and communities. So, next weekend, why not embark on this journey together? With a little patience, guidance, and perhaps some fun music in the background, you'll be surprised at how eagerly your children embrace the role of household helpers. Here's to weekends filled with teamwork, laughter, and a clean house!

LOOKING FOR A quick & easy way to start a chore chart system in your home?

GRAB THE ULTIMATE kids’ chore bundle!

school routine, reward chart, screen time, allowance, and more!



xo ,Sarah