7 spaces to quickly declutter when you only have a little time


If you find yourself overwhelmed by clutter but don't have hours to dedicate to a deep clean, don't worry—you're not alone. Many people struggle to maintain tidy spaces amidst their busy lives. The good news is that decluttering doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing affair. In fact, you can make a noticeable impact with just a few minutes a day.

This post will guide you through seven specific areas in your home that you can declutter in just 5 to 10 minutes. By focusing on these quick wins, you'll start to see immediate results that boost your motivation and keep your home looking organized and tidy. Plus, you'll develop a more efficient mindset, allowing you to tackle any clutter that comes your way. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

organized clean dining room

Below are 7 spaces you can quickly declutter!

Organized bathroom cabinet

#1 Bathroom Cabinet Refresh

Bathroom cabinets are a prime spot for accumulating expired products, half-used bottles, and cluttered supplies. Here's how to spend 5-10 minutes giving your bathroom cabinets a refresh:

  1. Quickly empty one shelf or section of the cabinet.

  2. Discard any expired or unused products, like old lotions, makeup, or medications.

  3. Group similar items together (e.g., hair care, skin care, first aid) and store them in small containers or baskets to keep everything organized.

  4. Wipe down the shelves with a damp cloth before putting back the items you're keeping.

PRO TIP: Keep a small basket or rolling cart in your bathroom for daily essentials like toothpaste, deodorant, and skin care products to streamline your morning routine and save time searching for items.


#2 Car Clutter Control

Your car can easily become a dumping ground for bags, papers, and random items. Here’s how to spend 5-10 minutes decluttering your car:

  1. Start by removing all the trash and unnecessary items like old receipts, water bottles, and food wrappers.

  2. Store essential items like an emergency kit, reusable shopping bags, and a small trash bag in designated areas (like the trunk or glove compartment).

  3. Wipe down the dashboard, center console, and door handles with a microfiber cloth to instantly make your car feel cleaner.

PRO TIP: Keep a small box or organizer in the trunk to store items you regularly use, like car cleaning supplies or gym gear. This keeps everything in one place and prevents clutter from accumulating.


#3 Tackle the Junk Drawer

The infamous junk drawer is a common source of clutter in many homes. Here's how to spend 5-10 minutes decluttering it:

  1. Empty the drawer completely to start fresh.

  2. Sort through the contents and discard any trash or items you no longer need.

  3. Group similar items together, using small bins or dividers to keep them organized.

  4. Return only essential items to the drawer, keeping it clutter-free and functional.

PRO TIP: Label the bins or dividers to make it easy to find what you need and to maintain order in the future.

organized clean desk

#4 Clear Off Surfaces

Flat surfaces like countertops, tables, and desks often attract clutter. Here’s how to spend 5-10 minutes clearing off a surface:

  1. Remove any items that don't belong, such as mail, random papers, or knick-knacks.

  2. Sort these items and return them to their designated spots.

  3. Wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris, instantly refreshing the space.

PRO TIP: Keep a small basket or tray on surfaces to corral frequently used items and prevent clutter from accumulating.

organized closet

#5 Quick Closet Cleanout

Closets can easily become overrun with clothes, shoes, and accessories. Here’s how to spend 10 minutes decluttering your closet: Remove any items that don't belong, such as mail, random papers, or knick-knacks.

  1. Quickly scan through your clothes and pull out items you no longer wear or need.

  2. Organize the remaining clothes by category (e.g., tops, bottoms, dresses) and color for easier access.

  3. Place a bin or basket in your closet for items to donate or sell, making it easy to keep up with decluttering.

PRO TIP: Hang your clothes backward on the hangers. As you wear and wash them, return them the right way. After a few months, donate any items still hanging backward.


#6 Digital Decluttering

In today's digital age, our digital spaces can become just as cluttered as our physical ones. Here’s how to take 10 minutes to declutter your digital life:

  1. Delete unnecessary files, emails, and apps from your devices.

  2. Organize digital files into clearly labeled folders and subfolders for easy navigation.

  3. Unsubscribe from email newsletters and notifications that no longer serve you to reduce digital noise

PRO TIP: Set a recurring reminder on your calendar to declutter your digital devices regularly, preventing digital clutter from building up.

organized toys

#7 Toy Tidy-Up

If you have kids, toys can quickly take over your living space. Here’s how to spend 5-10 minutes decluttering toys:

  1. Gather all scattered toys from around the house and place them in a designated toy bin or basket.

  2. Encourage kids to help by turning clean-up time into a game or a timed challenge.

  3. Donate or toss broken or unused toys to make room for new ones and keep play areas manageable

PRO TIP: Use clear bins with labels for toy storage so kids know exactly where to put things back, making cleanup easier for everyone.

Check out our blog post that dives deep into how to organize kids’ spaces for more tips!

organized playroom toys

Decluttering doesn’t have to be a daunting task that takes hours or even days. By breaking it down into manageable 5- to 10-minute tasks, you can make significant progress in maintaining an organized and clutter-free home. The key is to focus on small, targeted areas and approach each task with a positive mindset. Remember, it’s not about achieving perfection; it’s about creating spaces that serve you and bring you peace.

Mindset Matters: Think of these quick decluttering sessions as a way to create more time, space, and energy in your daily life. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the clutter, celebrate each small victory. Each drawer you organize, each surface you clear, and each closet you tidy is a step toward a more organized, efficient, and calm environment. This approach can make the process feel more rewarding and less stressful. Check out this blog post for 4 mindset shifts to help you succeed.

Consistency is Key: Make decluttering a regular part of your routine. Even dedicating just a few minutes each day can lead to big changes over time. Set a timer if you need to stay focused, and remember that progress is progress, no matter how small.

Stay Motivated: Keep the benefits in mind – less stress, more space, and a sense of accomplishment. Remember that a decluttered space can positively impact your mood and productivity. Keep pushing forward, and soon enough, you’ll find that these small efforts add up to a significant transformation in your home.

By adopting this strategy and mindset, you'll find that decluttering and organizing can be both quick and effective, leaving you with a home that truly feels like a sanctuary.

Looking for more? Check out this blog post with 10 more quick tips to start decluttering today!






xo ,Sarah

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