Our Best Organization Tips to Use Before Your Renovation Starts


A home renovation project can potentially disrupt your life for weeks or months at a time. However, you can minimize the inconvenience (and stress) by taking steps to organize before the project even begins. Set yourself up for success with these easy action steps.

Below are my top 3 tips to stay sane during and after your home renovation!


TIP 1: Declutter, then Decide What Stays and Goes

Decluttering prior to the renovation means you'll have fewer items to move, pack, store and unpack once the work is finished. This process is the same as when organizing any space in your home: decide what you need and love, and everything else can be trashed, donated, or given to someone who could use it more than you.

PRO TIP: While you're going through each space, don't forget to keep a working list of things you'll need to purchase for the newly renovated space. No need in hanging onto anything broken or too old to function properly. You'll want nice new things in your updated space.



Tip 2: Sort, then Strategize about Daily Needs

No one realizes how much stuff they have until they try and put it all in boxes. When you sort through your items and decide what to keep and what to get rid of, remember to pack things with like items. Categorize your things and keep them together by function or by space.

Pro Tip: Don't forget to set aside things you might use but aren't necessarily a daily need. For example, put medication and first aid items in a separate container, which is labeled and easily accessible. This way you don't have trouble trying to find it when you really need it.






Tip 3: Pack Up, then Put the Boxes in Storage

You have two options when it comes to storing your belongings during the renovation - either in an out-of-the-way space in your home or offsite somewhere like a storage unit. There are many factors to decide which makes the most sense for you. Just keep in mind, that things will be dusty in the construction areas. You want to be sure to wrap and pack items carefully, so they won't be damaged by exposure to these elements. Also, remember that you might be repurposing spaces, so they might not be able to act as temporary storage. For example, if you're doing a kitchen remodel and you're using your garage as a temporary kitchen space, you probably won't be able to also use it as a storage space as well.



Just remember…

…home renovations take longer than the 24 minutes it does on HGTV. It's helpful to understand what you're getting into and create your expectations based on reality. A great way to set yourself up for success is to organize before any demo begins. If you need help getting your space reno ready, give us a call!


If you're ready to hand off your pre-renovation organizing to an expert, we've got your back!

Contact us today.

xo, Sarah

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